Monday, October 22, 2007

Smooth but Lengthy

Our trip went smoothly. Flight was fine and we got in only about 20 minutes late and the boys and the social worker were waiting for us at baggage claim. We shook their hands and they appeared to be very quiet.

The boys are even cuter than the picture. Wilson is so tiny -- it's been a very long time since we had a kid that small at home and it is going to be fun. Leon reminds me of Ricardo the way he carries himself and the way he dresses.

We missed the first shuttle so we had to wait for a while ... the boys were so shy I didn't take any direct pictures last night but here they are waiting for the shuttle. The rental car line was long and the boys were so well behaved as they waited. Leon is very protective of Wilson and you can tell that Leon feels responsible to take care of him. They seem to get along well and are very well mannered.

The ride from the airport was long and the boys were quiet, but we did learn some things about them. Leon's favorite food is fried chicken and Wilson likes fish. They aren't big pizza fans (I know, a little weird) but Leon said when he does have pizza he likes lots of stuff on top. They hope we can go ride go carts but agreed that I could just watch and didn't have to ride one.

We had some fun conversations. They are really sweet boys. We know that the first night is not enough to determine exactly how they will be and that no kids are perfect, but these guys are a rare find. No meds, no diagnosis, no behavior problems at school or home. We also know that in a new family setting they may be different. But still, if they can hold it together this well when they are nervous and excited then it's a good sign.

We ended up at their foster home at 10 p.m., met their foster parents, who happen to be African American, and saw their beautiful home (the kids are actually going to be moving down in regards to luxury). We met their birth brother , even more quiet than they are (but not legally free). We want to spend some time with him so that we can have a relationship with him as time goes by. He is obviously delayed and I'm not sure how much he understands what is happening.

We pulled into a restaurant for supper at 11:20 absolutely exhausted.... but went straight to bed after an IHOP breakfast, and now we're heading out.

It's raining today, so we may not be doing the go carts today. We have some shopping to do and I plan to buy a couple games we can play. Maybe this afternoon we'll go to a movie...... It should be a fun day.

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