Sunday, October 21, 2007

Wow, What a Ride

Our shuttle ride to the hotel was awful. i don't know if it was the fact that we waited to eat, or the driving, or the conditions of the shuttle, or what, but both Bart and I were carsick the whole way. I haven't come that close to hurling in a vehicle in a long time.

But we're safe at the airport, checked in, and have plenty of time to eat and hang out before we get on the plane two hours from now.

however, my lack of sleep and this nausea are not making me excited about the hours that are ahead.

But Bart is back from his drug buying venture and we're waiting for our food to come, so I'm going to enjoy our time alone. Will update you later...

1 comment:

  1. I get car sick on anything, every time. Even when I'm the driver!

    What an exciting time for you! Praying you feel better soon.
