Thursday, October 18, 2007


I've driven 2 hours, attended a finalization, driven two more hours, had a 40 minute conversation with Salinda's therapist, driven 20 miles, had a 30 minute conversation with Salinda's mental health worker, said goodbye to Kyle and Bart, talked to the foster mom of a friend of Tony 's so he could come over, made arrangements for Ricardo to go over to Kari's to play with Adam, gotten Jimmy and Rand started on some chores, checked my email, and logged Dominyk into the computer and it's only 1 p.m. I'm running on pure adrenaline at the moment.

Apparently Salinda has changed her tune and now is sobbing that she doesn't want to live at home. Well, I guess it's good that she now doesn't want to do what she can't do anyway -- you break the law a certain number of times and eventually it will catch up with you.

I have an endless list of things to accomplish before we go and not an endless supply of energy or time, but I'm confident what has to get done will get done. It always does....

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