Friday, November 02, 2007

Another Round

Its another day. And here we are. I'm at my desk and Bart's getting ready to leave on another weekend trip to be trained for something I got rejected for. Long story that I'll leave alone.

MIke called yesterday. Weird call. He said, "So, what do you want me to do?" That was how the conversation started. I then asked him what he meant. And he said, 'Well, do you guys want to have contact with me or what?" I said, "mike, that's up to you." "Well, of course I do." I suggested that we would have to figure out how and that I was disturbed by the things he had done and might do again. He mentioned he was done committing crimes. I suggested he'd been saying that for years.

I mentioned that his Probation OFficer had stopped by. He asked if we had her number. I said yes and he dialed it into the phone and hung up on me and I've heard nothing since.

We had the Karis over for supper last night and wow, was Anna out of control. For Bart and I it was fun to watch, but I can't imagine having to see it all the time.

This picture shows you that she was moving so fast that I couldn't snap a picture.

Did get a good one of Dominyk, hot and sweaty, after running around with Ben for a long time...

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