Thursday, November 01, 2007


We spent the morning getting ready for (cleaning up a bit) and hosting social workers to do placement. It's done. The paperwork is completed. They are "ours" or at least we are sharing them with the state of Texas in legal terms for a few months before finalization.

They are enjoying a break from school and having a lot of electronic stimulation today. They need down time because when the rest of the kids are here they are so excited it's kind of overwhelming.

This morning Ricardo initiated a hug for the first time ever. In June I blogged about my first kiss from him, but that was initiated by me. Today he stuck his arm out to hug me. It was awesome.

We got a call today that they want to move him to the Jr. High. He is almost 14 and in sixth grade but still so far behind with his reading that we've been hesitant. Now i'm thinking maybe we'd like to have he and Leon start there on the same day if the school is really going to move him.... Lots of things to consider.

But it was a great hug.

1 comment:

  1. CONGRATULATIONS on the affection and on your new sons. I'm so glad that they have you and Bart. Y'all are all so blessed.
