Thursday, November 08, 2007

Another View from My Desk

I was away a lot today -- and that kept me from getting things done at my desk. Tonight I'm working on a video for one of the churches in town so after finishing an evening meeting I'm sitting down in my office. It's fun cuz even though I'm working I get lots of visitors.

We are going to have a lot of people in and out of our home in the next week or two. Tomorrow night Rand has a friend coming over. The next night a friend from our former town will be here for the night. We plan to have old friends here for supper on Sunday night. Next weekend Sadie will celebrate her 13th birthday with friends over -- and who knows who all will be coming and going between now and then.

I enjoy people and so having people in our home is fun for me. It's especially fun when I don't have to do any of the cooking. ;-)

Tomorrow I'm taking up to six kids with me to see John. Haven't decided exactly who yet, but at least Leon and Wilson will be coming along!

1 comment:

  1. I am coming back to visit at some point. But according to my Google homepage, it is currently 37 degrees in Minnesota. I don't understand how you do it.

    -Mike B
