Thursday, November 08, 2007

Sadie's Essay

(I'll correct the grammar to make it easier to understand -- her assignment was to pick a controversial topic, write the pros and cons, and then write an essay supporting one side or the other). (the picture above was about 5 years ago...)

Adopting -- I'm all for it. Because my family is all adopted. I think that adopting is great because kids get a nice place to live and they know that someone will love them and they will be taken care of and it is where they belong. There is nothing wrong with being adopted. I like being adopted. In fact, we just got two more new kids just this past week.

What I think? I think that at least every family should adopt at least one child per family. It's not that hard to adopt. If my mom and dad can adopt 12 kids, I think taht it wouldn't be hard to adopt one child per family.

Preach it Sadie! You go girl!

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