Thursday, November 29, 2007

Brute Strength

Leon and Ricardo joined wrestling. They went to practice for the first time on Monday after shcool. They had a meet tonight.

They both have had no skill training before that. Most of the kids they wrestle have been wrestling since they were in kindergarten

So, when they started practice, the coach told them not to rely on strength but on skill. Leon listened. Ricardo did not. Ricardo won. Leon did not.

Ricardo really did win ... twice . . . using brute strength alone. Strength, tenacity, and determination. It wasn't prettty, but he did win.

Since he is such a great athlete, Sometimes I wonder what things would be like had he been able to play since he was 5. But he is one of the high scorers on his soccer team that came in second in the state and he didn't play organized soccer until he moved here at age 10....

Sometimes brute strength and determination, combined with ability, is all you need.

Next time, Leon reports, he will not listen to the coach.

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