Thursday, November 29, 2007

Sleeping (or, more appropriately, not sleeping)

I used to sleep back in the day. And by back in the day I mean last year. I used to sleep 8 or 9 hours when I could fit it in. Sometimes I would sleep in the afternoon.

And now, after 7 or so I wake up, my mind racing with all the things I need to do and I can't go back to sleep. So usually, instead of trying to force myself back to sleep I just get up and get moving.

While MIke's world is completely frustrating to me (as I'm sure it would be to him if he took time to think about it) I must admit here (knocking on every wooden surface in my office) that he is at least trying. He has made it to church the last two weeks, he was in church last night, he is here sleeping most every night, he's at least getting dropped off at school every morning. Grant it, he doesn't have a job and doesn't seem nearly as concerned about that as I am, but for the most part he is being respectful and somewhat decent. I imagine that he is doing his best.

John, after lying to me about the phone calls and then being angry, is now apparently repentant and still wanting to come for Christmas. The plan is to move him back to our town, which we're not sure is the best idea.

Salinda is hoping for weekend visits. We'll find out today if that is going to happen or not.

Rand is doing great at his job and just got his first check. He also seems to be doing well in school.

Everyone else is stumbling along. New boys are still great!!!

1 comment:

  1. It's odd how we get all wrapped up in other peoples lives from reading these things huh? I find myself thinking, "Boy, I wonder how Salinda is doing." "I wonder if John is sorry about breakingthe rules during his visit." Weird. Maybe i'm just a voyeur at heart.I am happy to hear that all is going well.

    Thanks for sharing.

