Sunday, November 11, 2007

A Disclaimer

Blogs are a weird thing. I've been thinking about it a lot lately. Why I choose to write has a lot to do with what I write. And, in times of stress, I tend to write more as a release for myself.

The problem with this is that people do not get a balanced view of me or my parenting. I too often forget to blog about the happy times -- the times when I'm joking with the kids, or we're snuggling, or we're doing something we all enjoy.

So if you are coming to conclusions about anyone's parenting based on their blog, it may not be a good plan. I try to remember that a blog is a snippet of someone's life, not the whole thing....

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you Claudia!!! I only started blogging a few days ago but find that I am mainly interested in writing of the challenges. It is a total venting session and I think we need it!!! I should copy your Disclaimer post and post it on my blog as well! Barb
