Sunday, November 11, 2007

Dominyk Unleashed (or at least unmedicated)

Things were a little chaotic here this morning. We have been accustomed to having 6 kids here most of the time for the last few weeks, we had a lot of kids spend the night last night. In fact, I think I need to count. Eleven. We had eleven kids here last night.

This morning was confirmation Sunday. We didn't have anyone in our family who was getting confirmed, but we did have 3 people singing in first service and after a huge discussion last night, Rand threw his keys at me and said he never wanted to drive again.

So, that left me with 11 kids to get to church because Bart had to go very early. In the midst of getting them all ready and transported, I forgot to give Dominyk his meds.

And of course, the service is especially long. And Dominyk has plenty of interesting things to do and say.

º He got the hiccups and they were loud and he couldn't remember to try and stifle them;

º During the prayer he was making weird motions and when I asked him what he was doing he said, "I"m practicing dog paddling with one hand." I reminded him he shouldn't do that while we were praying;

º He chanted a disgusting rap song he's never supposed to sing;

º He out of blue began to describe an Austin Power's scene (when he knows he isn't supposed to watch the movie) that involves bras and panties;

º He mentioned getting a vault after church at least 15 times;

º He clapped louder and longer than anyone else every time we clapped;

º He kept trying to steal my keys;

º He "accidentally" uttered a curse word or two; and, finally

º He started laughing during each rendition of "Holy Spirit Come to Us." When I corrected him he innocently said, "I'm not laughing at Jesus, Mommy. I'm laughing cuz I keep messing up the song."

Note to self: If the service is going to be especially serious and especially long, please don't forget the meds.

1 comment:

  1. That reminds me of the weekend we had our recent additions Baptized. My family was visiting, so I was distracted & forgot to go pick up our son's prescription before the office closed on Friday. We were out. While I was debating whether it constituted an emergency, my mom and husband both responded with a resounding "YES". Luckily, the psychiatrist on call was there & brought it down to the lobby for me. Crisis averted!
