Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

What an original blog entry title for today. I'm sure nobody else is using it.

I started writing this blog entry complaining that Mike was not home. However, while I was writing, he actually showed up 3 hours before dinner. Maybe whoever he was staying with reminded him it was Thanksgiving.

Bart is busy cooking. He has a lot done already. Wilson and Sadie are busy preparing deviled eggs. A very nice lady from our church made the pies, but he's got a turkey in the oven, mashed potatoes ready to be cooked, a ham in the roaster, green bean casserole, scalloped corn, sweet pototoes, dough rising for homemade buttermilk roles, and cranberries chilling. Punch will be made.

And I am assembling the remote controlled meat thermometer. Remember, I'm the man!

1 comment:

  1. What time is dinner? Bart's menu sounds delicious! I'm glad Mike showed up to celebrate with you. I remember a Thanksgiving when one of our kids..........but that was in a previous life and all is better now. God bless you and your family with a wonderful day. ~marge~
