Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Only to Blog

I'm taking a break from my computer by my choice. I spend a LOT of time on my computer. More than I should. And so I decided that while all the kids were home (except for Mike, who, as predicted, is missing) I would stay away from my computer. I started at 11:00 this morning and it's 9:19 p.m. I am using Bart's computer, but only to blog. Everything else is off limits.

Everyone's trip went well, we're all here (except Mike) and we'll all fairly content.

Tonight was the ecumenical service for Thanksgiving. Probably close to 500 people were there. He was not as bad as he was in 2005 but he was pretty bad. I should have done what I did last year, but I didn't remember it until after church was over. He was obsessed with getting a pop, he was tapping his foot, pretending to direct the choir, pretending to play the violin, mouthing the words to the special music with exaggerated emphasis, trying to reach what he thought was gum, stuck to the marble pillar 2 feet above his head, jumping up and down, and I am only getting started. He wouldn't face the front and argued with me to the point that I got up in the service and moved away from him.

Of course, lots of people were there and he was embarrassing. The other ten children of our children, however, who were there, were very well behaved. Of course, just like last year, Mike is nowhere to be found.

But it was good to be in church with 11 of my twelve children. It was good to hear my husband give the children's service. And it was great to hear one of my very favorite hymns, "Great is Thy Faithfulness" -- a hymn that has followed me throughout my life.... all I have needed they hand hath provided, Great is Thy Faithfulness, Lord, unto me."

1 comment:

  1. I love that hymn, too! Hope Mike shows up in time for dinner. ~Kari
