Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The Ironies

Before I head to three back to back conferences this morning, i thought I would share the ironies of life in our world.

Sadie did not handle the confrontation about her in school suspension well. In fact, she handled it very poorly. We had a discussion that resulted in Sadie screaming that she would rather live in a place like Salinda was in that to live with me.

Well, I called Salinda and had her talk to Sadie for me, reminding her of how bad things were where she was.

The irony is this. After the girls talked, Sadie remained in tears not wanting to live here while I was on the phone talking to Salinda who was sobbing because she thought she was coming home the last week of this month and she was told something yesterday that makes her believe that it is going to be much longer.

So, one daughter is crying because she has to live here and the other crying because she can't, all at the same time.

The ironies.

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