Tuesday, November 20, 2007

A GOOD teacher

My definition of a good teacher is one that believes that there are kids who have mental illnesses and disabilities and that they CAN'T do certain things.

Dominyk's teacher and I had a great conversation. He has done such a wonderful job with Dominyk this year. He is patient, realizes his limitations, likes him for who he is, and has taught the other kids in the class how to help Dominyk maintain his anxiety level.

The big key is that this teacher understands that there are certain things that Dominyk cannot do. He doesn't view it as Dominyk having too many kids in his family. Or not being parented well. Or worse than anything, not wanting to do it. He doesn't see him as beligerant or uncooperative. He sees him as a kid who does the best he can.

And that, makes all the difference.

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