Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Lots of New Readers

Our lives have been so swamped that I haven't taken any time to welcome the new readers who have joined us. it's always fun to look at the statistics and see how people in towns I've never heard of have become addicted to the drama in our lives.

Last night we let Mike sleep on the couch. Today he has a meeting with his P.O. and hopefully they'll be able to figure something out so that he can have a place to live. With the new kids here and no background check done he cannot live here.

He is desperate to stay out of trouble and, if he'll listen to us, he will. But, as you know if you've followed our story for long, with his FASD he either can't or won't listen to us for more than a week or two.

We're trying to juggle 11 people getting ready for the day....... juggling showers when we add new kids is tricky and this is the first day that Leon has had to get up. We have a meeting today to enroll him.

Everyone is fighting and screaming now.

Why don't you new readers introduce yourselves in the comment section? It's fun building community this way.


  1. I have been so encouraged and blessed reading the story of your lives. Thank-you for sharing and being so transparent.
    My dh and I have fostered for the past 12 1/2 years. We have 2 bio-kids ( 10 & 11) and 2 foster kids right now. The oldest 17 was diagnosed with FASD at 12 (she is 17) the youngest is 6 months and was born with alcohol and cocaine in his system. It has been challenging and frustrating, maybe not at the same level as you.
    We have had over 50 children come through our home, and have had our share of struggles. Right now life is fairly even and we are waiting the placement of the youngest. Difficult with the amount of exposure he endured. But we are praying God brings him an amazing family like yours.
    Thanks again for sharing,
    Blessings to you and all your wee ones (& not so wee ones too)

  2. I've commented before, but I've never introduced myself. I'm Hallie, a Christian 25 year old SAHM to a fabulous 4 (almost 5!) year old son. I'm back in college online this year and opted to homeschool my son for kindergarten. I am VERY interested in foster care adoption, and would like to add to my family in this way in the next 2 years. I am waiting until I am done with school this summer to start the process, but I enjoy reading blogs about families like yours. I have an 11 year old brother who is adopted (at birth) who has learning delays and emotional problems because of intruterine substance abuse from his birth mom. I enjoy reading your blog daily and like your sense of humor, even when things are not going well at all. I pray for the best for you and your family, and I'm so happy for ya'll and your new sons!:)

  3. I am the mom of one bio kid, and two adopted kids. All boys. One has FASD and RAD. The attachment disorder has been very hard on me, but I am coming to terms with it. I worry about the future for our son with FASD. I appreciate reading about the experiences of your family. Thanks for sharing.

  4. I've been reading for some time, but thought I'd introduce myself. I'm a widowed mother with one almost-nine-year-old bio daughter, and I started reading foster and adoption blogs a year or two ago, when I was considering adopting a second child through foster care. I've since realized that it's not the right path for me, but I'm still awed and fascinated by the stories of families who are in the middle of it.

    Incidentally, I can relate quite a bit to your new son Leon -- as a teenager, I lived in a bad situation for a few years and had to look out for my much younger brother. I'm looking forward to seeing how the two boys settle into your family.

  5. I'm Kathleen, married for 20 years, mom to 2 bio (18 & 13) and 4 adopted (19, 17, 16, 12). The adopteds are 3 full sibs and 1 hal-sib. They've been with us 8-1/2 years. 17yo adopted daughter has RAD and has not lived at home for two years (and turns 18 Thursday!!!). The others have various issues but are reasonably functional. 19yo graduated high school and is at job corps (won't contribute or participate at home). 16yo is in danger of flunking out of high school but is fun, loving, participatory, used to lie all the time from age 8-11, then has been honest and trustworthy for a long time but lately has not been. 12yo - only time will tell. Sometimes he seems to be doing OK, then other times we're really aware of some deep-seated issues.

    I'm an engineer. I stayed home with the kids the year before we adopted and three years after, then dh stayed home a couple of years. I'm currently contemplating a change in career and home location as my employer is likely going to shut down the plant where I work.

    Adopting has been very hard on all of us these last few years, but with dd17 out of the house, we've been recovering, mostly.

  6. Ive been reading for a little while.My husband and I are reading all the information we can find on Fostering to Adopt.We have no bio children.Just our 6 Fur babies (dogs).We live in Southern Ohio.

  7. I followed a link from one blog to another and found yours.

    I do not have any kids of my own, but I teach special ed during the day and feel that the 14 LD students I have are my own most days.

  8. My husband and I adopted two children through foster care 4 years ago. Our daughter is 11 and is diagnosed with FASD, but is learning to control her behavior better each year (of course, she's not a teen yet, so...) Our son is 9 1/2 and doesn't show any signs of FASD, though they are full birth siblings, and he has strugged with RAD and anger issues.

    I found your blog via Kari's, and I live in the same state you do, in a major metropolitan area. I have been inspired by hearing about your family. It's a blessing that you have been there for all these kids, but it's also nice to know that you are human. Makes me feel better to know I am not alone!

  9. I just found your blog. I hope to find time to read more in between taking of my own family of 10 kids.

    God Bless.

  10. I am a single parent of 2, in the process of adopting a 14 y.o. and his sister a 11 y.o.
    I have been reading your blog and your husband's for a couple of months, and have found it to be refreshing to know I'm not the only crazy one. There have been many times I've been inspired by the large number of children in your family, but as a currently single parent, not sure I could manage more then what I have now.
    Although there are days I feel a little crazier then usual, and think about bringing home a couple more.
    Thanks for posting....
