Tuesday, November 06, 2007

The View from My Desk

I had company tonight as I tried to play catch up at my desk...

Wilson was here, charming me... He's bright, funny, and oh so cute. He has come in to report things to me as I work -- and telling me stories of what is going on in the house.

Leon went shopping with me today and he was the perfect shopping partner -- helpful, good conversationalist, didn't beg, offered suggestions.

It's fun being in love again. I know it's a honeymoon, but these guys are terrific. I keep saying to myself "I can't believe I'm this kids mom (in reference to either one of them). I'm SO lucky!"

And as I've said before, it makes me remember falling in love with all the others and love them all the more.


  1. I am absolutely overjoyed for you both. Actually all 4 of you!

  2. Claudia,

    He is simply adorable...they both are.

