Friday, November 02, 2007

Quiet but Dumb Night

Bart is gone, as you know. As are Kyle, Mike, and John (as always) and Salinda (as of recently). Rand is gone. Tony is gone. That leaves me here with 5 kids. We rented movies and they are quietly watching them.

But that was after the stupidity of the movie rental/Toilet plunger event.

One of the people who left, who in attempts not to be cruel and embarrassing, plugged up the toilet, broke the toilet plunger, and then left without telling me.

So, after we ate out at a fast food place, we went to rent movies, which turned into a fiasco, lasting 40 minutes, and then went to buy the plunger. When we got home I could not get it unstuck for a long time and was very frustrated.

But now, all is well. Toilet is plunged, kids are quiet, and I'm back to being happy.

But it shouldn't take two hours to have supper, rent movies, and buy a plunger, should it? Only in my world.

1 comment:

  1. I'm only coming up with 11 kids. Where was the other one? LOL

    Angela :-)
