Saturday, November 03, 2007

He Called Me Mom

Leon needed to report to me that the dog had pooped in the downstairs shower. This highly grossed him out.... I don't know that he has ever lived with a pet before. I'm not thrilled that the dog did that either, but I figure it's nice of him to do it right there in the shower where I can scoop it up an flush it than on carpet or in the kitchen or someplace more disgusting than the bathroom.

Anyway, he came up to tell me and he started the sentence with Mom. I'm sure of it. So, i don't know if it was because it came natural or he couldn't remember my first name, or what, but I always love it the first time I hear those words. With Kyle, who moved in at 11, it took 8-9 months I think. With Leon, who is 12, it's only been 4 days.

Speaking of Kyle, we're going to go have lunch with him today. I enjoy him so much now in comparison to when he was younger. We actually have had civil conversations since he was about 15, but it's only been the past year or so where I can actually say I look forward to seeing him without all the post-traumatic-stress of the way he used to treat me.

There was nobody angrier than Kyle at 11 -- and now he's almost 21 and doing great. So for those of you out there wondering .... things can change.

I'm just glad we're not starting with an angry 12 year old who hates me this time around.

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