Saturday, November 03, 2007

The Seemingly Endless Crying

We had a good day. A really good one. We took a seven hour trip and everyone was really well behaved. We took kyle out to lunch and he was especially enjoyable. Talkative and appropriate and fun to be with. And then we drove over to take some stuff to Salinda and the kids were so good during our visit.

I was going to take pictures and forgot and now I'm mad at myself...

The "new boys" are doing quite well. Leon enjoys teasing me about how fat I am which would have bothered me a decade ago. now I just tell his skinny tiny little self, "yup, and I can take you -- and I have the weight advantage, so bring it, buddy." And he laughs.

We're back now and so is Rand. Jimmy, Tony and Bart still missing....

Dominyk had a crying spell that I thought would never end -- just beside himself. I'm not sure how it started, but he just cried and cried and cried. He doesn't feel well, the dog chewed his toy, and he ate too much halloween candy ... but something set him off and I didn't think he would ever stop.

But right now everyone is occupied and I'm enjoying a few moments of computer time -- hoping to get some stuff caught up.

It's nice to have a fun, uncomplicated day.

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