Thursday, November 15, 2007

Weirdness, Humor, and a Huge Mistake

As I was relieving myself last night, I saw this sight in our bathroom and realized, "I bet most people do not have a line of 20 oz pop bottles filled with water lining their shower." Now, if this were the first day they had been there, that would be one thing, but the collection has been growing and nobody seems to be doing anything about it. The reason is because they are Dominyk's bottles and Dominyk is obsessive about his collections and nobody is interested in the aftermath of touching one of them, much less emptying them and throwing them away. And they aren't bothering anyone, so why mess with it. I guess though, since this is our "guest bathroom" that people might wonder about us.

This week our local station is doing a 3 part series with about 2 minutes each night about a family who has adopted. The first night I was part of the first segment, so was saying I was staying up to watch part two. When Bart told Wilson I might be on TV again Wilson, knowing that Bart almost always watches the Food Network, pretends to be me on a cooking show. "Hello, today I am going to teach you how to make burnt toast and buttermilk" and goes on to explain how that is done. Bart reported that it was hilarious.

Then this morning we were discussing who wanted to go to the football game and who wanted to stay home where Sadie is having a birthday party. Ricardo was hesitant about making his decision so I mentioned that maybe that was because he was thinking about Sadie's 4 sixth grade friends spending the night. Four sixth grade girls here in your house, or a football game. Hmmmmmm. So Leon pipes up, "Maybe he could jump out of her cake and strip."

Apparently Wilson, who still rides in the cart as pictured above, told me I cut his fingernails too short and he had to have someone ELSE scratch his back at school yesterday.

And finally when the three kids at the elementary hopped out, leaving just Ricardo and Leon, Leon says solemnly and quiety, 'And then there were two."

So, we survive with humor and a little weirdness. And it's a good thing we have it, because sometimes, I just plain screw up. Sadie's friend had called three times before 6:45 this morning and then lied to me about it, so I woke up Sadie telling her all about how frustrated I was and it took until I got back from taking people to school for me to remember that it was her 13th birthday. An UNFORGIVABLE parental offense. So I called her at school and apologized and told her happy birthday and she will forgive me, but the fact that I most likely have PMS or something, has making it very difficult for me to forgive myself....

And so there it is, all mixed up into the mayhem of our lives. I hope that my kids can memorize the song that is now my ringtone, "We live, we love, we forgive, and never give up" (It really helped to have that there when Salinda was in and out of detention and the Probation Office and Police were calling multiple times a day). Because the kids in this family aren't the only ones who screw up.

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