Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Like a Movie

Apparently while I was taking Leon for a sports physical so he can wrestle (I really like this kid -- he and I have interesting conversations) Tony and Jimmy got into a fight. I wasn't here, but it doesn't sound like it was pretty.

Wilson came in wide eyed to tell me about it. I asked him if he was scared and he said, "Nope, I just watched it like a movie.

After he said that I started to think about how that would be a good idea... for me to be able to emotionally distance myself from the things around me and "watch it like a movie." I also thought that maybe that is why these little guys did so well in living through their early years. Maybe it was a defense mechanism to just watch their lives "like a movie."

Next time we're having a stressful time here I think I'm going to remind myself to "watch it like a movie."

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