Monday, November 12, 2007

When fairly normal meets very not normal

Tell me this isn't the CUTEST 8 year old in the galaxy? Every time I look at him it makes me smile inside... shocked at the blessing of being his mom.

This morning he was telling Dominyk that there was a bug on the ceiling in their room. Dominyk has a fear of bugs so he was trying to get as much information about this alleged bug as possible. He asked if it was a bug or a spider. He asked what color. He then asked how many legs it had.

Wilson was so exasperated by this point. He said, "It was on the ceiling. I could not count the legs! And I already said it wasn't a spider."

He's so tiny that it is easy to forget he is 8 and he has very sophisticated conversations. But sometimes Dominyk's obsessions and perceived weirdness are just too much for him.

1 comment:

  1. I beg to differ on him being the cutest 8 year old in the galaxy. Mine probably beats him. LOL But, he can be in the top 5, if you like. ;-)

    Angela :-)
