Tuesday, November 13, 2007

When More is Less

Nobody believed us when we told them that 7 kids was easier than 4. But back in 1999, it just was. Kind of hard to explain, but it was true. In fact, you can read the unproofread version of that chapter in our lives in my book blog.

And now 12 is easier than 10. Why? Because these new boys are calm. They are just really calm kids. And they are fun. And they have laughs that are infectious.

Last night they were teaching the other kids some dance or something. They taught it to me too. Of course, not being able to resist a good laugh, I exaggerated my own clumsiness, pulled the waist of my pants up to below my chest, and put on quite a show. Their favorite part was when I was supposed to be touching my heal and I had to lean over and put one hand on the kitchen counter to balance myself in order to touch my heal.

This morning, Tony was telling jokes. He was telling "Yo momma" jokes and I told him that he could NOT talk about my mother that way, but if he wanted to say "my momma" I could take it. So he told a bunch of "My Momma jokes."

I had to share the one that was so funny that I had to work hard not to crack up and remember to scold him for using a bad word. All the rest were pretty tame until all the sudden he says, "My momma is so fat that when she hauls a** it takes two trips."

At any rate, the other kids are entertained and calmed by Leon and Wilson. I am in a better mood when I get consistent hugs from Wilson morning and night. The other kids who haven't hugged me a while, like big old Jimmy who is pushing six feet, are seeing how happy it makes me and are starting to offer me hugs.

So we add kids and stress is lessened. Figure that one out...

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