Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Random Thoughts

» I clipped fingernails this morning. It's been a long time since I've done that. Wilsons were getting long and he still needs help. I could just hear his teacher saying, "Poor child. Has so many siblings his parents don't have time to clip his fingernails." So I clipped his and realized that I hadn't clipped any in a long time. The other kids do their own (or bite them) and I don't clip mine. I trim them with my teeth. I'm sure there are those of you who think that is disgusting and can't imagine me putting my hands in my mouth, how unsanitary. But you don't regularly wipe feces off walls either, do you?

» Riding to school with Leon and Ricardo, both NOT morning people, is such a quiet ride. Our neighbor is my new best friend as she is taking Tony and Jimmy to school now (she works at their school) making my morning rides so much more pleasant. The two of them thrive on annoying others and bickering.

» I'm at the coffee shop for the first time in a while meeting with a coworker. I'm getting quite a bit done, but we met right at 8 which is why I didn't get to blogging ealier;

» Salinda is really wanting to come home. We're hoping she will be at the end of her 30 days. She still isn't quite getting everything, but she knows she needs to stay away from most of her old friends. She is hoping to come home for Thanksgiving. I need to try to get over to see her this weekend.

» Mike looked for jobs for a couple days. Now he is content to do nothing. He frustrates me and I frustrate him so I'm trying to stay away with him.

» Rand still doesn't have a job but I am pushing him through now -- really pushing. Setting up interviews for him and taking him to them. At least he does what I say. I set up interviews for Mike and he chooses not to go.

» Life is relatively stable at this point, which is nice. But we always wonder if it is the calm before the storm.

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