Tuesday, November 20, 2007


You're heard many Dominykisms in the past, but it looks like we're going to be having some Wilsonisms. He is such a character.

This morning, I woke Dominyk up for medicine but was just going to let Dom go back to sleep and let Wilson keep sleeping because there is no school for them today. As I was leaving the house I hear this little voice say, "MOOOOOM." I responded adn heard, "You forgot something."

i walked all the way back up to their room and asked him, "What did I forget?"

You know! What do you ALWAYS do when you first wake me up?

So I got a big hug.

Later this morning he was telling me how he heard Dominyk "talking to his own self" during his sleep last night. He then got the idea that he should sleep with Bart and sometime. Knowing this would help with attachment, I told him maybe Dad and I would consider that ... once. But he might get squished.

"And then," Wilson said, 'You'd have to make a sign. Wilson Fletcher. Rest in Peace."

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