Saturday, December 29, 2007

And it All Comes to a Head

Last night all the days of being mellow and not doing much came to a head and we had a very wild last hour of the night with Tony and Dominyk. I confess to being too lazy and too tired to deal with them sometimes and thus they are often out of control. With their special needs, and the unsuccessful attempts we had in the past to try and curb John and Mike's issues and special needs, sometimes we wonder if it is worth it. And then the trouble comes.

I had asked them to go to bed because they were so wild that I knew when Bart came home he would not be happy. He had been to an intense movie with Kyle and I knew that coming home to an out of control house would be a big shock to his system. I made the mistake of offering them consequences the next day ... and they took me up on my offer and didn't go to bed.

I should have insisted.

But anyway our relative peace and calm exploded and resulted in tears and an early bedtime for two very hyper boys. I knew the peace wouldn't last forever.

1 comment:

  1. The post Christmas calm in our house lasted only until yesterday too. Oh, well. I would've started wondering who they were and what they did with my kids if they didn't start up again!
