Saturday, December 29, 2007

Joining In -- Not About Adoption

In the spirit of Fun and Games for Adoption Bloggers, I'm supposed to blog about something besides adoption.

Wow, tough to think of something since my life is so consumed by it both personally and professionally. And if I have to blog about something that doesn't include my children..... yikes. I'm having trouble coming up with something.

hmmmm. Wow, I'm really having a hard time with this. Want it to be creative...

OK, here goes. My most embarrassing moment.

I was 21 and I was working for the college I went to as a recruiter. We did 13 youth camps in 9 weeks, so I was always exhausted. We would do a week of camp, drive a day or two, and then start all over. I was taking an afternoon nap because of this exhaustion and when I awakened, I decided I needed to take a swim. Too late to I changed into my swimming suit on the top bunk and headed down to the pool.

I waved at several folks during the 1/4 mile walk. They looked at me strange, but I figured it was because i looked tired or something. When I got to the pool, several people tried to get my attention. I ignored them because I was hot and wanted to get in the pool.

I jumped in and when I came up for air I thought to myself, "Someone's UNDERWEAR is in this pool." I can still remember the feeling like it was yesterday when I realized that it was not someone's, but mine. Yellow, lace trim... floating.

I looked up and everyone was laughing so hard. I ended up throwing them at one of my friends because he would not stop laughing.

It turns out that I had on a two piece (not a bikini) and my underwear had gotten caught in the back of my bathing suit bottoms. I had walked all the way to the pool with them hanging out the back.

SO there you have it. SOmething that has nothing to do with my kids or adoption.

I remember those days, vaguely


  1. Hi! I found you through the "non adoption" post challenge. That's a funny story (because it wasn't me). Looking forward to reading more.

  2. Hi! I found you through the "non adoption" post challenge. Thanks for sharing a funny story!
