Friday, December 21, 2007

Can't even Make a Plan Around Here

This has been one of those days when you just can't make a plan. I don't even know if I have enough energy to blog all the different ways that schedules have been changed today. Every time I try to make a plan, someone changes theirs until I have finally decided that my plan for tonight is to not make one and not do anything. It has been an odd day, with many undercurrents of stress.

John called to apologize for the last time that we talked, said he knew what he did was wrong. Sometimes it almost seems as though he is reading a script he writes for himself when he apologizes. It doesn't always sound sincere and it is troubling.

He lied to me about his medication, but I didn't even bother to confront him on it. He must think I'm more stupid than I am, so he comes up with stories. I know what is going on with him. He doesn't think I do. Same story for years. I'm debating driving over to see him next week. But again, making plans is so complicated sometimes.


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