Saturday, December 22, 2007

Is it Starting Again?

Last night Salinda had been home for 2 days. Two days home from a residential setting and her behavior was perfect.

And then last night i caught her up in them middle of the night "sneaking TV." A couple hours before that we had had a less than ideal conversation. I don't understand why she needed to do that. If she would have asked, I would have let her watch it later than the normal limit. I always do.

So I have to wonder -- is this a slip up. Or is this the first step down a nasty road.

I'm hoping it's simple teenage stuff and that it all will pass.

My other dilemma of the day is a project i'm working on for Christmas gifts that i screwed up majorly last night. I do calendars and I was almost done and was deleting some stuff to make more room on my computer and ended up deleting the whole thing.

Now i can't figure out how to get the stuff I need, and they needed to be mailed today. Guess everyone's gifts will be late. There is nothing I can do about it.

Today the kids need to shop for each other. Ugh.

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