Saturday, December 08, 2007

My Apologies

My post yesterday morning was not fair. I shouldn't have left you hanging.

Right before we left Texas with Napoleon and Wilson, you'll remember that I took them out to eat with their birth siblings. At that point, their sister gave Wilson a Nintendo DS ... a very nice, new one, that she had worked weeks to earn at some Chicken place at some strip mall in Ft. Worth.

You've already guessed. It's missing. But of course, according to Mike, he wouldn't ever do anything like that. Grrrrrr.

Little did Mike know, Bart was already planning to give him only a week to recover the IPod. So when he didn't, Bart was planning to ask him to leave, which he explains here.

I was just so angry and hurt yesterday that he continues to stoop to such a level. ANd I know that everyone is going to say "You shoulda kicked him out last week and Wilson's DS would still be here."

Well, that's easy for you to say.

Stay tuned and we'll let you know the latest. It's still unfolding.


  1. I feel so bad that all this happening with y'all. You don't deserve it, but I understnad that you want to do what's best for your son. I'll be praying for you.

  2. Won't get any comment like that from me. I hope things improve soon.

    Angela :-)
