Saturday, December 22, 2007

Overhearing a Conversation

Leon and Wilson have been talking to their birth siblings for the last hour. It's been fun to listen to the things WIlson's worth sharing.

1) We got a game system for Christmas.

2) Our dog bites people if you get by him when he is eating

3) Our church is fun and you know the pastor guy at churches? He's our dad.

4) One time I farted on mom at church. It was so funny. She didn't even smell

5) WE're going to eat Chinese on my birthday.

6) My brother stole my DS and he got kicked out of the house and now he is in jail.

7) That's my CHEEK pushing numbers (he's using my Iphone)

8) I had to go boo-boo real bad this morning (his words for pooping)

9) We have 16 days off of school.

10) Dominyk is 11 years old and he cries for a pop every day -- I mean soda -- but over here they call it pop as in popcycles

12) Probably when I'm nine I'l to bed at 10 (he says, grinning up at me and whispering, I said PROBABLY)

And Leon's comments:

1) They cut hair terrible up here.

2) My mom doesn't care if I talk to y'all. SHe's sitting right here.

3) Do you still have all those zits all over your face and that giant flat nose?

4) My nose is flat, but it isn't giant

5) No M games, just T and E.

Then they discover that the sibs (talking on their sister's cell phone) are at their birthdads. The conversation is telling.

And then Wilson with his b-dad:

I'll be nine. Next year I"ll be in third. I have two new teeth growing in. It just snowed and there is a lot of snow outside. Do you want to talk to my mom? (I overhear him say no!)

And now Leon talks to his birthdad -- first thing he says:

Give me a gift card with some money. and then, "I'm in wrestling." You're breath smells. I can smell it through the phone. Are you going to give me money? I'm bored. Games would be good. Rated T. Pokemon. Hang up first. Hang up. Hang up. Bye. Bye love you too.

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