Sunday, January 27, 2008

Looking Good

Last night the "pork-butt" wasn't done cooking in time for supper, so we decided to eat out. After multiple trips to the mall to drop off and pick up kids, we finally ended up with eight of us at the Chinese buffet. Wilson was feasting on large amounts of shrimp he had to peel and the meal took quite some time.

Earlier that day Wilson had put on dress clothes. He wasn't going anywhere for the day and I'm assuming he didn't want to take time to find his jeans, so he just put on dress pants and settled down for a day of electronic stimulation.

While we were eating, Sadie leaned over to Wilson and said, "Why are you all dressed up?"

And my quiet youngest son looked up at her and in a big voice got right up to her face and said, "why are YOU all dressed up?"

Well, Sadie is very intense, and quite the drama queen, and she had just been at the mall with her friends. So she, in shocked horror, said to him, "I HAVE to look GOOD."

and he got his little face right up in hers and exclaimed with equal intensity, "and SO (pause) DO (pause) I."