Saturday, January 26, 2008


Our son Ricardo doesn't say much. He's definitely an introvert. And a perfectionist speaking a second language. That results in very few words coming out of his mouth. When he speaks a couple sentences in a row I am surprised. He also struggles in school because he has trouble reading in English. We're not sure if he has a learning disability or if if it is english as a second language related, but he is really struggling with it.

However, he is just loaded with talent in other ways. I have blogged about his athletic ability many times -- a superb soccer player and now a Varsity Wrestler as a seventh grader, winning against high schoolers who have wrestled all their lives. This is his first year -- and he's GOOD.

He is also an amazing artist. His drawing skills are very impressive. The picture here doesn't do him justice, but he did it free hand as a school assignment. I can't imagine what it would look like if I tried to do this.

He's just so talented.

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