Saturday, January 05, 2008

My Next Presentation

I've been thinking maybe I should make a new presentation called "How to get your juvenile in legal trouble." The fact that Salinda was arrested has gotten us so many services and they seem to be helping.

Yesterday we went to set up her work crew hours. She knows she has until April to get them done. What she didn't realize is that they are used to people who don't show up and dink around, so they scheduled all of the 34 hours in the next 3 weeks. She had all these plans of what she is going to be doing once off house arrest, and now it appears that she is going to be doing work crew. ;-)

The reason I like her predicament is because I don't have to say a single word. And I don't. She knows that she has gotten herself into this mess. She knows she can't blame me. The ankle bracelet has a fee of $25.00. There is a $75 fee paid to Probation for serivces. She has to come up with all that money by working for me at $4.00 an hour.

And I just add the money to her chart and say nothing. And she is learning, I hope.

It's a nice place to be in. The consequences are only hers. And if I need backup, I have it. Her attitude starts to get a little nasty or she starts to break minor rules in the house, I just mention how the probation officer is not going to be pleased to hear it and she shapes right up.

So maybe now you see why my next seminar is going to be entitled "Teaching Adoptive Parents How to Get Their Juveniles in Trouble with the Law" or something similar.

(and for those of you whose mouths are hanging open in horror and disgust, I'm only kidding).


  1. Funny how they'll shape up in these circumstances. Well, I know alot of kids don't shape up and end up in "big people" trouble once they turn 18, but it shows that she's getting it. A little fear never hurt anyone :)

  2. Salinda wears a lot of makeup...but never mind that, she's doing a good job.
