Sunday, January 06, 2008


John is spending the day with us. He was in church this morning and it is great to see him. But my stress is mounting and I can feel it. And I don't think it has much to do with John.

Tony and Dominyk were both as annoying as possible for most of the ride to church. They were annoying people during church. They were annoying people after church.

And then when I reminded everyone that there was youth group tonight, Salinda had to make sure that she messed up everyone's attitude by saying she didn't have to go, she should be able to choose, etc. Then other people stopped wanting to go and started complaining.

This is a girl who last night wanted a special trip to visit friends she met 75 miles from here with me driving. I pointed that out to her and she declared she'll find her own ride.

Doubt it.

I hate it when I let nasty moods ruin mine. I wish I was like all of the rest of you good mothers who can blow off the attitudes of their teenagers and remain positive and fun-loving in the midst of their viper-spewing.

It doesn't faze them one way or another whether it ruins my mood or not -- so I'm only punishing myself.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure not able to blow of bad attitudes either. I keep thinking about how laid-back and patient I thought I was before I had teens/pre-teens!
