Sunday, January 06, 2008

On Days Like Today

John did excellent today.

His sisters did not.

Resulting in a huge act of rebellion on Salinda's part with attitude, etc. She refused to do what she was told, was disrespectful to both Bart and I, and drug Sadie into her drama, causing great difficulties while I was gone.

It is difficult to know exactly what to do in these situations. Do you consequence attitude and disrespect for some kids because you know they can help it, but not for others because they can't? Do you consequence attitude and disrespect for everyone? Do you even consequence attitude in teenagers?

She is making herself unbearable to everyone. I have a call into her Probation Officer. She better figure out a way to fix things, or the report tomorrow is not going to be good.

I have spent most of the last 4 hours with my hands freezing and my stomach turning. I hate it when the stress is so palpable in the house that you can cut it with a knife.

I know that there are better days ahead (and some worse ones) but some times it's difficult.

And the unfair part of it all is that John asked to go back to his foster home early because of the stress. And he wasn't the problem.

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