Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Sleeping Single in a Double Bed --- well almost

Does sleeping with an 11 year old in a Queen Size Bed count? Even though the kids are getting older, whenever Bart leaves town the younger kids argue about who gets to sleep in my room. Last night Wilson got the recliner and Dominyk shared my bed. Wow, is he a restless sleeper. He woke up several times talking about loud, asking me questions (do we have to go to both services today? No, Dominyk, it's not Sunday, it's Wednesday). He stood up on the bed at one point in time saying some really odd things that I can't publish here because this blog is PG, and only occasionally PG-13.

I had a very troubling dream that lasted over an hour and so I finally got up and called it a night. I never sleep well when Bart is not here. The conversations we have before we go to bed and just the fact that he is there are calming to me.

So I'm up early, getting ready to get things going for today in a few minutes. Salinda has therapy today and that's my only out of the house appointment. I'm already tired and it is only 6:40. Gotta figure out something to inspire me and infuse some energy into my old tired self.... Maybe today I'll clean off my desk. That always helps me feel more motivated.

Hope everyone else is a little more motivated than I am today.

1 comment:

  1. We're almost twins. LOL My dh is also out of town, so I shared my bed w/ an 8 year old last night. He woke up with a cold & headache, so not much planned here today.

    Angela :-)
