Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Taking care of Business

Salinda's work crew experience got me all riled up and I made some phone calls yesterday. By the end of the day I had several apologies and explanations. Apparently this was an unusual situation that had to do with a deadline and the work crew supervisor apologized profusely and assured me that he would make sure that she didn't feel uncomfortable again. The Probation Officer, who obviously orchestrated the work crew apology, has left me a couple messages. I'll get back to him this morning.

In this situation I expressed my concern for two reasons. First of all, because it was MY DAUGHTER who was getting oggled by adult male law offenders of who knows what kind. That troubles me on a personal level. But I also expressed my concern because it is a BAD plan for ANYONE'S daughter. And I do not believe that it happened just this one time to my child. If it has happened once, it will happen again.

I was 32 years old before I got married and not once did I ever have to get involved in the Child Welfare or Juvenile Justice System. I didn't even know about any of it and can't say that I wouldn't have wanted to remain ignorant. I'm a part of the system now, with my jobs, and I also am a part of it with my children. And little things like this happen on a daily basis.

I had a conversation with a man in England who does work with homeless youth. His caseload? FOUR teenagers. A caseload of four. Can you imagine how much good could be done by professionals if they had a caseload of 4? Instead, they have a caseload of 24, or 34, or 44, or even in some cases I know of 54. It doesn't take a genius to see that there's something wrong with our picture.

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