Sunday, January 13, 2008

Sunday morning

Blogging sure makes it apparent that time passes by quickly. Each Sunday morning before I wake up the kids I seem to sit here blogging basically nothing because there is nothing yet to blog. But the weeks go by quickly.

I've not a head cold today. I think i'm the 7th person in the family to have it, so I held out a while. Sure makes me feel like spending the day in bed.

Yesterday they combined the juvenile and adult work crews and several of the men were hoping Salinda was at least 17. She just turned 15 and you better believe I'm going to call and find out what that is all about. I was frustrated enough when she was grouped with the juveniles who would see her as hot, but adult men? Salinda, one other girl, and a whole bunch of adult males who have broken the law? There's something wrong with this picture.


  1. Oh, that is NOT good. Not good at all. ~Kari

  2. You might also want to find out what kind of crimes you cannot commit to qualify for the adult program.

  3. OH. MY. GOODNESS! If you need some help kicking butt, give me a call. That is ridiculous!

    Angela :-)

  4. When my teenaged so got into trouble with the law, we were able to have him do community service instead of work crew. We had to find a service ourselves (after school tutoring program, already in place at local elementary school) but the probation office readily agreed once I gave her the information.

    Good luck with all of this!

  5. You have got to be kidding me. I would be checking into that.
