Monday, January 14, 2008

Contrasts -- you Gotta Love Em

Last Sunday was one of the most horrific days we've had here in a long time. It was so bad that I had been too stressed to eat after lunch. Got up the next morning and realized that and knew it was bad. I never am too stressed to eat.

Yesterday the players in the game were all the same. John went to church and came to lunch with us and spent the day here. Everyone else was home. But it was completely peaceful all day long.

It looks as though this morning is going pretty well as well.

And, there is no reason for me to try and write a wonderful blog post when Kari's entry about Gourmet Rats is so great. .

She sums it all up for me today in looking at the contrast between last week and this.

I have come to believe that those who KNOW that they are the recipients of incredible grace and feel called to this life will be challenged beyond what they can possibly know...but also blessed in great measure...pressed down, and shaken together, and running over! These blessings may not be packaged like we might expect them to be...but that's another blog entry for another day.

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