Thursday, January 31, 2008

Thank You for Your Encouragement

Good bloggers respond to comments, which obviously lately has put me into the category of not-so-good bloggers. I do want to mention how much I appreciate your support in regards to several of the difficult posts I have had here this week.

As you have noted from my stories about my family, I am very candid in expressing myself and telling our story. However, when it comes to my professional life, I am bound by confidentiality, and thus I cannot go into great detail. Sometimes, therefore, my entries are cryptic and annoying even.

I am still very burdened by the events surrounding me in one particular situation at work, but I believe I am strong enough to accept this and move on. But I will accept responsibility and I will apologize to the children.

In the midst of all of the work trials, though, home stuff is going well. The kids are doing well, things are at a calm place for everyone who lives here, and we are doing well. Hopefully I'll have time to blog more about the good stuff later.

1 comment:

  1. I am so sorry you are going through an obviously difficult time. I will be praying for you, as well as those involved.
