Friday, February 01, 2008

My Morning Litany

Each morning as I drop the children off for school I say to them, "Goodbye guys. I love you. Have a great day. Make good choices. Don't miss me too much."

Lately little Wilson has been responding, "I won't. I NEVER miss you." and he bounds off towards the school grinning.

My routine is that I drop off Sadie, Dominyk and Wilson first and then take Ricardo and Leon to the Jr. High. A neighbor takes Jimmy and Tony (God bless her soul) and Salinda rides with Rand. But Ricardo and Leon are not morning people and are by nature fairly quiet so they seldom say a word on the trip.

I have added a line to my goodbye to them. To them I say, "Goodbye guys. I love you. Have a great day. Make good choices. Don't miss me too much." And WHATEVER you do, do NOT say good-bye to me."

The first time I said that Leon, as he is closing the door, gives me a sly smile and simply says, "Your wish is granted."

Wow, do we love these boys. I'm filling out paperwork to finalize their adoption already as we can do that after three months in Minnesota. I can't believe they've already been here that long.

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