Saturday, March 08, 2008

At This Moment

All is perfectly right in my world. I am sitting in my office alone, early on a Saturday morning, and nobody but Bart is awake. He is off doing housework which should make me feel guilty, but actually at this moment, makes me feel lucky and blessed. I am going to join him soon and help because I worked late yesterday afternoon and evening and got a LOT done. I am not caught up, but I am very close to having my inbox empty for the first time in I don't know how long. I know that it was before October 4th because my oldest email was from that date.

Yesterday, the biggest news I could blog about was Wilson's trip to the doctor for an pre-finalization physical which was uneventful and very fun. We had a wonderful time, he and I -- and he charmed the examining physician's assistant continuously. He was adorable. As you can see. In the first picture above he was pointing out all the different fish to me on the ceiling light overhead (It's really cool -- like an aquarium, hard to explain).

It's nice to have nothing disastrous to report from yesterday.

Last night Salinda spent the night at a girlfriends house and Jimmy spent some time at the YMCA. The other kids were here, quietly electronically stimulating themselves while Bart took a couple of kids to the grocery store. The night was peaceful and calm.

I woke up this morning knowing that Tony will be gone at Saturday school all morning, as will as Ricardo. Salinda will be gone most of the day. Leon, Jimmy, Sadie and I are heading to see John this afternoon and Mike and Kari and their family -- as well as our friends, Tim, Sue and Sarah -- are coming over for dinner.

So at this moment -- with a good yesterday, a peaceful and productive last night, and a day of activities I look forward to -- I feel great. It's been a long time since I have had this feeling, and I guess that without the contrast of the feelings of the past few weeks, i wouldn't understand just how good this feels -- just to feel OK. Giving thanks, i guess, that life has peaks and valleys, because without one, we wouldn't recognize the other.

1 comment:

  1. Your last sentence kind of sums up how I feel about seasons. Summer isn't the same if you haven't experienced winter.

    Angela :-)
