Sunday, March 30, 2008

Big Laps

It's a good thing that Bart and I both have big laps... because most of our kids are getting much bigger and they need more space. And it is seldom when we are sitting and not working on our laptops that we don't have at least one or two kids trying to find a spot on us to sit.

Yesterday was a pretty good day. By 12:15 I had finally gotten the internet up and working in the whole house. Bart's mom and her sister arrived mid-afternoon and we visited while Bart made dinner. After supper everyone was off doing multiple things, and we were in bed early enough and at peace.

Today is Sadie and Wilson have their program at church and later today Bart will take three kids with him to visit John. I have another work project I need to complete today. I keep telling myself not to let things pile up, but they seem to and I end up at the computer most days I should be taking a break.

It looks like the snow has finally all melted. Maybe Spring will actually show up around here. I look forward to no snow, but I don't like nice weather -- kids are out and about more --not my kids, but their friends, and the temptation to spend time "hanging out" on the streets dressed in not-so-appropriate clothing is too great. PLus there is that "no school for three months" thing.

I can already feel my blood pressure going up just thinking about it.

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