Sunday, March 30, 2008

Sadie and Wilson's Program

I was having a hard time not laughing out loud and the differences between Sadie and Wilson and their response to my camera at the program this morning.

Sadie was watching for the camera all the time. Every chance she had she glanced over to see if I was looking at her and then posed, smiled, over-acted, waiting for me to take the shot.

Wilson hid. Behind his hands, behind the big kids next to got to be a game that was almost more entertaining than the program.

But I did sneak in a few.

Sadie had a solo and several speaking parts and did very well. Wilson sang a few of the songs. But as he has said before, "You can make me go to choir but you can't make me sing."

It's fun being part of a church that does such a quality performance once or twice a year.

Have I mentioned that Wilson is one of the cutest kids I have ever ever seen? Every time I look at him I am overwhelmed that I'm lucky enough to be his mom.

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