Friday, March 21, 2008

Frightening List

When I started writing down the things I need to accomplish in these three days (Friday, Saturday, Sunday) I began to panic. I know that they will get done, but it is going to be a marathon to accomplish them all. And, of course, I'm trying to squeeze in something else in the midst of it all as well -- a project for work that is due Tuesday, that I would really love to have done so that I'm not trying to do it on Monday when the kids are home. Of course, the kids are home everyday, but on weekends I'm not getting 4-5 emails a minute all day long that need attention.

Today is Leon's 13th birthday -- making me the proud parent of 9 teenagers simultaneously, which really would not constitute proper planning on the part of anyone. But most of them are doing very well and it isn't nearly as overwhelming as one might thing from the outside. Sure, the 2 that have tested us to the limit have provided lots of stress, and we have a couple more that border on heading that direction, but the rest are doing quite well.

So, we have a birthday to celebrate, spring sports to buy shoes and equipment for, and Easter clothing to either buy or wash and iron.

And here's some big news if I haven't shared it already.... Kyle has a girlfriend and she's coming to meet us tomorrow. This is the first time that he has ever had a girlfriend to whom he is wanting to introduce us, so this is a HUGE deal. She'll spend the day with us and then have supper.

So, while the kids are asleep I'm going to tackle this big project from work and see how far I get...

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