Friday, March 21, 2008

A Nice Excursion

This morning I left the house with Leon, Wilson and Ricardo to do some spring sports and birthday shopping and then to meet Bart and Dominyk for Leon's birthday lunch. He had selected the Olive Garden and had chosen these three brothers to go along because last weekend they missed out on a meal out that.

We had a perfectly fine time. These three boys made shopping fun. They accepted my limits. They did not argue. They were grateful. They were pleasant. I haven't had that much fun shopping in a long time.

And then, after a trip to the Dr. to find out that Dominyk has strep throat, I ended up with a short trip into Walmart with only Wilson. He is just so incredibly cute.

I know I stink as a photographer, but here are pictures of the shopping trips and the birthday luncheon. I just wish that once and a while I would take the time to take GOOD pictures.

So, that portion of my Easter clothing and birthday/spring sports shopping was delightful. Of course, I saved the hard kids for last so tomorrow may not be quite as enjoyable.

1 comment:

  1. They are adorable! I think the pictures capture their personalities.
