Thursday, March 27, 2008

Leaving Kids Home Alone

This is a question asked in a comment yesterday:

I actually wondered, it seems as though you leave the kids at home alone at least on occasion. I find myself unable to do that with my 14 y.o. son, as he's gotten into stuff when left alone, that I am terrified to come back to a burned down house or something along those lines. Do you hire babysitters or do you just count on the other kids that you trust more? How do you do it??

We haven't always been able to do it. In fact, when Mike and John were home, we never did. Now we still can't leave everyone home, but if a couple key people are removed, depending on the day, those that remain can do an hour or two alone. We also have PCA services, so sometimes the children with the highest special needs are not here, but with PCAs.

In our home we have instigators and responders, as I'm sure most everyone does. Here if we can strategically remove two of the instigators everyone else does fairly well.

That is not to say that nobody has ever gotten into a fight while we're not here, or that no minor damages have occurred, but nothing major has happened. We don't do it often, and usually not for more than an hour or two.

We are also blessed to have a great tattle network, and if something is happening that is in appropriate we get a call immediately (or two or three) to let us know. We do have 3 or 4 kids who are relatively sane and can tell what is appropriate and what is not appropriate and they can provide guidance to the ones who don't.

I hope that answers your question. But there have been many times in our history that we haven't been able to leave them for even five minutes.


  1. "great tattle network"....I love that phrase.
    We have PCW's (in WI, it has to be done IN the home) and even though we trust them, except for one time, we haven't been gone for more than 15 minutes when they are working. It takes 24/7 eyes on T, and even the PCW has to pee some time. lol

  2. Me again!
    Thanks for the response!

    And pardon my ignorance, but what are PCAs? What does the acronym How do they qualify for a PCA? I'm wondering if stands for something like Parent Insanity Protectors or something along those lines. Are they included in your adoption paperwork/finalization?
    My 14 y.o., has been tagged with a few labels explaining some of his interesting choices, like trying to light a candle to make the house smell better yet managing to burn a bag of rice, my newly installed kitchen countertop and melting some plastic while home after school for less than an hour.
    Hence the need to place him in an after school program and never leave him unattended!
