Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Losing My Mind

I'm sure that someone is going to find a way to also connect this topic with menopause as well. BUt watch it. I might get crabby too. Which also might be something you could link to menopause. ;-)

I am really losing it. Well, actually, losing cards seems to be my thing lately. Cash cards, YMCA cards, credit cards. I've lost 1 debit card once, a second debit card twice, my Y card once, and a credit card. ALl but one of those has been found. But it has been a crazy two weeks.

And I am having this thing with ditches. Last Wednesday, I was heading to therapy with Salinda and Dominyk and we got a call saying that therapy had been cancelled. So we were heading back home and the roads were dry and we were zipping around a corner when all the sudden there was a huge section of black ice. I completely lost control of the van and we end up turned around about 270 degrees with the back of the van deep in the ditch. Fortunately, nobody was hurt, the van was fine, and I was able to drive out of the ditch. Salinda screamed and Dominyk did not speak a word to anyone for the next 10 minutes.

Then today I took a wrong turn. I decided to pull into some shipping company to turn around, but went a little too far in my three point turn and ended up with the front tires in a small ditch. So I started to back up the van, but the tires were stuck. NOt realizing that the ditch had muddy water in it, I decided to gun it. It worked, but not until the van was sprayed with mud and dirty water.

Then this afternoon I was pulling out of the driveway and ran over the recycling bin which was in the driveway (no, I don't know why. Either the kids or the "recycling guys"). So, in my attempts, with Dominyk's help, to get it unstuck I got over into the grass where there was some mud and this time managed to get the whole windshield.

Dominyk tried to get some good shots, but it isn't easy to see in these pictures just want a wonderful job I did in covering the van with mud not once, but twice.

I'd get the van washed, but it's supposed to snow tonight. (Yes, snow.) So I'll wait until that storm is over. Maybe the snow will wash the van clean.

But sometimes I feel like I"m really losing it. I just can't seem to put it all together lately and I seem to keep having these weird things happen that make me feel like I"m a losing my mind.

Of course, I'm not. We all know that.. Don't we?


  1. It's menopause. Sorry to have to dump that on you, but, there it is. Clumsiness, forgetfulness. Yup, they are right up there on top. I meant to put that in my insomnia post, but I dropped the mouse and then forgot what I was writing about..... btw, If you like homeopathics, "Quietude" works GREAT for sleep.

  2. Yes, yes, we do. (Just smile and nod, everyone.) LOL Just kidding. Hope things start going better soon.

    Angela :-)

  3. Yup-sounds like menopause.

    Or you're pregnant.

    Or maybe just the 60,000 things on your mind;
    lack of sleep is proven to diminish short term memory.


  4. Hmm I do that type of stuff on a regular basis (and I'm 24). Then again, I have ADD, and for me these incidents tend to happen when I'm not taking my meds. Did you skip your morning coffee, perhaps?
